Johnny Zhang
From time to time, you may want to know how many ESX servers in your vCenter, what are their build levels, how many VMs are registered, how many powered on, etc. There is a fast way to give you all those information. All you need to look is the vpxd-profiler.log on your vCenter server. This log is in the same directory as your vpxd.log file

for example on a Windows 2008 server the log is at
\Users\All Users\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\

What you need look for is the "InventoryStats". You are going to see something like this

those logs update every 5 minutes, you can show your boss, you are on top of things.

Note: this log can be large enough to hung notepad or wordpad. I do suggest you to move to a Linux to read it.
2 Responses
  1. Michael Says:

    Nice! Very useful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you very much :)
    You could also simply get windows tail
    to read large files!

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